Finnish thrash metal band My Funeral releases their fourth and darkest album
Helsinki based thrash metal act My Funeral release their long awaited fourth full length album on friday October 7th 2022. Titled ”Funeral Manifesto”, the album delves thematically deep into the mind – mental disorders, setbacks, but also victories in life. The album will be released through Finnish record label Inverse Records.
Funeral Manifesto is a conceptual album, in which can be heard a darker, more mature band than ever before. The included tracks are the most ambitious and heavy to date, and work has been done to deliver an ultimate creation. Recording of the album took place at Electric Fox Studios in Vaajakoski, Finland, with producer Tuomas Kokko during the fall of 2021.
Funeral Manifesto is a declaration from the dark side of man. Of how darkness takes over the very mind, and how self-destruction and addictions feed it. Other topics include hedonism, failure and one’s mortality. The album as a whole can be seen as a philosophy of darkness and acceptance of death.”, the band sums up.
Listen to the album on music services: https://push.fm/fl/myfuneral-funeralmanifesto