Sun. Feb 16th, 2025

Pino Scotto, always on the road!

The singer Pino Scotto represents, without a shadow of a doubt, the most important icon of national rock. Charismatic and feisty singer with marked blues influences, gifted with a deep and scratchy voice, he represents the best incarnation of the rocker figure ever to appear in Italy. His career officially began at the end of the 70s, when he recorded his first 45 with Pulsar; after some time he became the frontman of Vanadium, the most important heavy rock band on the Italian scene, with which he released eight great albums (seven of these at the rate of one a year, unthinkable for a rock band from the peninsula) and with which he could afford to undertake regular tours within and outside the borders of our country.

Metalmusic – “Live n’ Bad” is your new album! Tell us a little bit about it!
Pino Scotto –
Live n’ Bad! Album recorded in the province of Bergamo,recorded entirely in one live night! I wanted it to sound just like a Bootleg from the 70s! Nothing, before the lockdown, two weeks
before everything blew up, the album ” Dog Eat Dog ” came out. , a record that I co wrote with my guitarist Steve Volta, already off to a great start! Great reviews , lots of interviews (mostly web,because precisely you couldn’t get out there, etc.) and already more than 30 concerts had been organized to promote the record!
Just think how many things would have been organized! Unfortunately we were locked in the house (I didn’t even have the dog to take him to the street to do his business hehehehe, so
locked in the house 24 hours a day). However, as soon as we started to see a glimmer of hope, in being able to go out again etc.,together with Steve, we created an acoustic set (as a duo) , where I tell my story, all true stories and fully lived on the road!
Afterwards then, we started again with live shows, with the full band and resumed the magical world of touring! Meanwhile, I was
alwa ys planning to return to the good old Blues, as I always say “I always do what is not fashionable hehehehe, always against everything and everyone! Always thinking about my own ideas,
thoughts and desire to create good music, written and sung from the hear t!” Always thinking about my ideas, thoughts and desire to create good music, written and sung from the heart!” I always think, that if there was an opportunity to bring back some healthy blues, and make it known to the youth of today, some great new music ians could come out! Currently, I am pursuing this thought and project of mine in the studio, with excellent musicians who and project of mine in the studio, with excellent musicians who have also played with me since the 70s! However, everything have also played with me since the 70s! However, everything aside, the idea of creating “Live N’ Bad,” was to bring the energy aside, the idea of creating “Live N’ Bad,” was to bring the energy of oneof one of my concerts, back into the homes, cars and lives of of my concerts, back into the homes, cars and lives of everyone who will listen to it! Within the record (and my concerts) everyone who will listen to it! Within the record (and my concerts) is so much of my past (I decided to include songs from my solo is so much of my past (I decided to include songs from my solo career, even from 10 years ago and beyond).career, even from 10 years ago and beyond).

Metalmusic – How did the idea for the cover come about?
Pino Scotto –
The cover was born from a simple idea, as you can see, there is The cover was born from a simple idea, as you can see, there is my microphone stand stretched high, like an American Indian war my microphone stand stretched high, like an American Indian war axe, a people I have always admired and whose culture has always axe, a people I have always admired and whose culture has always marked me! We see two Pino Scottos, asmarked me! We see two Pino Scottos, as if looking in a mirror! if looking in a mirror! Two souls intertwining! Having the same thoughts, and ideals as I Two souls intertwining! Having the same thoughts, and ideals as I did when I was 20 years old (I don’t think I ever change my views, did when I was 20 years old (I don’t think I ever change my views, I have always gone with my thoughts, if I were to change now, at I have always gone with my thoughts, if I were to change now, at 75 years old, I would spit in my 75 years old, I would spit in my own face ahahahah), and I will own face ahahahah), and I will continue to spread my word to everyone! So, these 2 Pino Scottos continue to spread my word to everyone! So, these 2 Pino Scottos looking at each other, as if to say to each other, “Let’s do this looking at each other, as if to say to each other, “Let’s do this social war, you’re not alone, I’m here too! We are here too! There social war, you’re not alone, I’m here too! We are here too! There are many of us, we are a miare many of us, we are a million and more people who want to llion and more people who want to change this state and world that is going down the drain.”)change this state and world that is going down the drain.”)

Metalmusic – How is the promotion of the album abroad going?
Pino Scotto –
The promotion of the album abroad, is going great! I thank The promotion of the album abroad, is going great! I thank Mr.Jack and his Wanikiya Promotion for the excelMr.Jack and his Wanikiya Promotion for the excellent work he is lent work he is doing! There should be more entities like Wanikiya, which is doing! There should be more entities like Wanikiya, which is committed to taking the word of rock around the world! There committed to taking the word of rock around the world! There
should be much more support for so many emerging bands, who
should be much more support for so many emerging bands, who really deserve so much! Also working in the undergrowths, really deserve so much! Also working in the undergrowths, with with minor radio stations, webzines and mangazines that are not minor radio stations, webzines and mangazines that are not necessarily very famous, so as to create a double promotion, both necessarily very famous, so as to create a double promotion, both to the bands, and to the newspapers, starting to sow the seeds to the bands, and to the newspapers, starting to sow the seeds slowly, something that here in Italy, has never been done! Rockslowly, something that here in Italy, has never been done! Rock on!on!

Metalmusic – Are the themes of your work in general personal or are they more of common interest?
Pino Scotto –
The themes of my songs, are purely of real facts, thoughts about The themes of my songs, are purely of real facts, thoughts about places where there are difficulties, places where people die like places where there are difficulties, places where people die like bugs for nothing! Places whebugs for nothing! Places where you really don’t matter, or at least re you really don’t matter, or at least the world doesn’t give the right meaning to people’s lives! The the world doesn’t give the right meaning to people’s lives! The issues are these, the problems of politics that are going more and issues are these, the problems of politics that are going more and more badly, laws that are made in a very bad way, and those who more badly, laws that are made in a very bad way, and those who pay the consequences pay the consequences are the poor helpless citizens without any are the poor helpless citizens without any protection or help! I am talking about so many types of issues, protection or help! I am talking about so many types of issues, people, places, etc. I don’t like to go looking for fairy tales, people, places, etc. I don’t like to go looking for fairy tales, dragons, etc. as so many do heheheh, I like to talk openly and dragons, etc. as so many do heheheh, I like to talk openly and share with my audiencshare with my audience all these various aspects!e all these various aspects!

Metalmusic – What is your favorite song among all the songs you recorded in this new work?
Pino Scotto –
Ehehehe, with this question is like asking a parent with 5 Ehehehe, with this question is like asking a parent with 5 children, who is the favorite child eheheheh. No, I love all of my children, who is the favorite child eheheheh. No, I love all of my tracks, becausetracks, because they are all tracks born from the heart and I will they are all tracks born from the heart and I will always love them. If we really want to choose one song, from my always love them. If we really want to choose one song, from my
latest studio album “Dog eat Dog,” I could tell you about “
latest studio album “Dog eat Dog,” I could tell you about “Before Before It’s Time To GoIt’s Time To Go “, a song that I am really attached to, because “, a song that I am really attached to, because inside theinside the song, I make a “MEA CULPA” for all the life of excess song, I make a “MEA CULPA” for all the life of excess I have had in the last 50 years! (I don’t know how come I’m still I have had in the last 50 years! (I don’t know how come I’m still alive guys heheheh, maybe dear Grandma Lucia protecting me alive guys heheheh, maybe dear Grandma Lucia protecting me from up there). Anyway in the piece, I talk precisely about this from up there). Anyway in the piece, I talk precisely about this self/confesself/confession of mine with life done, always 1000 on the road! sion of mine with life done, always 1000 on the road! So, yes come on, if we have to choose a song, I choose this one, So, yes come on, if we have to choose a song, I choose this one, within which there is so much of my thought and awareness.within which there is so much of my thought and awareness.

Metalmusic – Where can we see you live?
Pino Scotto –
So, Pino Scotto is always on the road! Find So, Pino Scotto is always on the road! Find all my live dates on all my live dates on my website my website You can follow me , to keep up to . You can follow me , to keep up to date with everything, on my social Facebook, Instagram, Youtube date with everything, on my social Facebook, Instagram, Youtube etc. (Find all contacts same from my website). I look forward toetc. (Find all contacts same from my website). I look forward to seeing you around folks for a good live show of healthy Rock n’ seeing you around folks for a good live show of healthy Rock n’ Roll! And as I always say, hehehe, “No Masks and No Feathers Roll! And as I always say, hehehe, “No Masks and No Feathers Up Your Ass,” rock doesn’t need such things! Bye to all dear Up Your Ass,” rock doesn’t need such things! Bye to all dear readers, see you on the road! A hug from Pino Scottoreaders, see you on the road! A hug from Pino Scotto

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