The Necrosexual releases new song
NECROSEXUAL, the most electrifying band in corpse entertainment has released the track “Screamin’ for the Steamin’ Demon Semen.” The song is taken from his upcoming release Seeds of Seduction which is out on cassette September 3rd via Folkvanger Records.
The NECROSEXUAL commented:
“The song’s titular ejaculate describes the act of rock ‘n’ roll on stage. Performance gets me high, and it’s more intoxicating than the fanciest boxed wine. But, to be the most electrifying man in corpse entertainment, is to dance with the sadistic muses of rejection, self-doubt, and indifference from the outside world. Is it holy high art? Or a rambling, deranged obsession?
“Musically, my ‘semen song’ covers a vast territory of styles: speedy grindcore blasts, a rollicking breakdown section, and sinister, dueling guitar improvisations, all aimed to inspire the thrashing of limbs. ‘Screamin’ for the Steamin’ Demon Semen’ also features the GRIM-1 on lead bass, lead guitar, and lead rhythm guitar parts exclusively. It’s one of my finest hours as a shredder. Crank the volume, and dream a little dream…”
Listen here: https://www.decibelmagazine.com/2021/08/24/track-premiere-necrosexual-screamin-for-the-steamin-demon-semen/
Pre-order: https://folkvangrrecords.bandcamp.com/album/seeds-of-seduction