The Mothman Curse – “Lie,Pt.1”
The Mothman Curse are an Italian band that shows its technique by managing to merge classic and good metal, with many other influences that make their musical dimension difficult to label, and with the voice as the only human element against the backdrop of a devastating set up .
What comes out of it is their new album released for Ghost Record “Lie, Pt.1” is a pleasant and engaging metal, which without half measures gets into your head like a speeding train. While listening, full-bodied and intense sounds can be appreciated, well supported by a vocal line that enhances its potential and at the same time the qualities of the band. The progress of the disc is varied and original, with openings of sound that prove to be a good variant, managing to generate a glimmer of light in this almost gloomy, but not at all ugly, atmosphere.
The MothMan Curse’s music portrays something strong both musically and lyrically. We go from songs about everyday anxieties and fears to talking about hatred and anguish. Of nightmares and creepypasta and awareness. The MothMan Curse bring together musical genres and themes that aim straight at the listener’s belly. As in an operating theatre, asepticity and viscerality coexist.
A synergy proven in more than one circumstance by means of passages where almost sudden tempo changes excel and which prove to be a godsend in order not to fall into a path, albeit short, obvious and banal. The release of “Lie, Pt.1”, confirms how much good the band has managed to do up to now without setting limits. To be listened to with the utmost respect and the utmost attention.