Noise In Myself – “Necessity of exploration”
Italo-Swiss band, which appears with the name of Noise In Myself in the music scene since 2004 from an idea by Enea Maina. Enea is a Swiss guitarist and composer born in 2004. In fact, in addition to Enea, the band’s line-up includes Martina Pedrotti (vocals and flute), Leon Sürder (electric guitar), Damiano Palmeri (drums) and Federico Morello (bass).
A track of over three minutes based on a decisive and angry style that highlights an original and not at all obvious metal. Noise In Myself put all their musical vein to good use on this new single that makes the journey short but intense with dynamics that demarcate well-studied and assembled tempo changes, with noteworthy melodic cues that have the task, in our opinion, well managed to lighten the whole path.
“Necessity of exploration” is a finely elaborated single to externalize sharp emotions and sounds made now of gritty atmospheres, now of lighter moments, with particular peaks of adrenaline as we proceed towards the central part of the disc, with the right dynamism and the right concentration of sounds. The band will have no trouble carving out a place of honor in the Alternative Metal scene.