Gabriels – “Dragonblood (Damned Melodies)”
Cabriele Crisafulli returns with an extraordinary album, full of many important guests, including: Chiara Petrelli, Silvia Pianezzola, Federico Impala, Tiziano Passantino, and others. This is a work centered on Bram Stoker’s Dracula, and the atmosphere of the album takes us directly both to the 1992 film by Francis Ford Coppola, but also to its literary representation.
A long tracklist and a total duration of well over an hour are signs that already from the beginning of listening they mean that this is not a disposable album. We have so many instruments used, the keyboards obviously play a primary role, Gabriels being a keyboardist of classical extraction and with attached studies, but all in all the songs manage both when they are more intimate and relaxed and when they are more metal-themed, to be engaging not both for the baroque and neoclassical virtuosity they contain, but for their intrinsic beauty. All roles have been respected and treated with care by the various guests and musicians involved here, and the album in question appears as a manifesto of inexhaustible creativity and variety. For this reason my advice is to buy this album and not to be in a hurry to listen.
Listen to it several times and you will see that you will come into contact with a beautiful album, perhaps not immediate, but very engaging both musically and lyrically.