Crosson, the Glam Rock Warrior
Following the success of their acclaimed 2018 album ‘Invincible’, which spent an incredible ten consecutive weeks in the Top 30 Official German Rock and Metal Charts and was voted Sleaze’s Nation’s # 2 album of 2018, Australian based Theatrical Glam Rock Warriors, CROSSON, returned in 2020 with their new album Rock ‘N Roll Love Affair.
MWZ: Hi guys welcome to Musicwebzine ! Tell us something about the band?
CROSSON: Thanks for having us. CROSSON can be descibed can be descibied as a theatrical, visual, melodic glam rock group delivering a full theatrical high energy, entertaining stage show.
I started this crazy adventure many years ago and there have been various incarnations of CROSSON over the years. I wanted a band that delivered not only good songs but an entertaining live show with myself and 2 girls as the focus of the group.
We released two albums and a few EPs independently but it wasn’t until 2014 when we got the image and look the way we wanted it and got Duane Baron involved as our mixing engineer and recorded Spreading The Rock N Roll Disease that people started to take notice.
We secured a licensing deal with a German label which put on the map with all the European press we received. Our next album ‘Invincible’ hit the German Rock and Metal Charts and spent 10 weeks in the top 30.
We have now released our new album “Rock N Roll Love Affair” Rock ‘N Roll Love Affair punches you in the face from the opening chords and erupts with ten infectiously catchy, highly addictive rock tunes.
The only cure to get these songs out of your head will need to be medically prescribed.
MWZ: How would you define your sound?
CROSSON: CROSSON delivers catchy , in-your-face, uplifting stadium rock anthems that stick in your head!!
MWZ: “Rock ‘N Roll Love Affair” is your new album what about the lyrics and the main differences from “Invincible” ?
CROSSON: Following our last album (2018’s Invincible) and the great response we had to it, we knew that the next album had to be better in terms of songwriting and production, so the pressure was on!!
As we needed to put our best foot forward, I had to get brutal and trash a few tracks that weren’t as good as they could have been and start the writing process again until we had 10 great songs with
no fillers.
We once again used the amazing Duane Baron ( Motley Crue, Ozzy Osbourne, Poison, Alice Cooper) to mix the album Dave Donnelly in the USA ( KISS, Whitesnake) for the mastering
who have waved their magic to make it all sound huge.
I think with ‘Rock N Roll Love Affair’ we acheived what we set out to do and delivered a bigger, better and more anthemic album than our previous one.
MWZ: Are you satisfied with your new album? or you would have liked to change something?
CROSSON: I am very happy with the new album and is by far the best CROSSON release to date. We matured musically fromn previous releases and delivered 10 x tracks which are sing-along-rock anthems.
The problem is the now pressure is on for the next album to be even better!!!
MWZ: There is a difference between what you listen to and what you actually play ?
CROSSON: I basicaly listen to catchy melodic rock and glam rock whether it be from the 70’s or 80’s or modern day bands that have been influenced by the genre. So I guess it rubs off and CROSSON fits into that
‘New Wave’ of Melodic Rock / Glam Rock / Hair Metal , whatever you want to call it.
MWZ: Which bands influenced your musical style?
CROSSON: If there was no KISS then there would be no CROSSON as they del;viered something larger than life . Musically it’s the 80s hair bands with the big choruses like Motely Crue, Stryper, Dokken,
Scorpions, Bon Jovi, Ozzy, Keel, (and about 50 others) mixed with 70s’s glam rock (Queen, Sweet etc) and modern day melodic rock ( Crazy Lixx, H.E.A.T, Eclipse, etc)
MWZ: Trivial question, how much you miss the live ?
CROSSON: I miss it soooo much!! We can’t wait for venues to re-open so we can do what we enjoy most… delviering our stage show to the pople. In the meantime, its in the studio working on something new!!!
MWZ: That’s all!! greeted our readers with a message!
CROSSON: Thanks so much for having me. For your readers, feel free to pay us a visit and check out CROSSON at www.facebook.com/crossonrock, www.youtube.com/crossonrock, www.crosson.com.au
If want to drop us a line, we’d love to hear from you!!